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                The difference between LED flood light and led wall wash light

                2020-04-11 617

                          Although led floodlights and led wall washing lights are often seen in the market nowadays, many friends confuse them with each other. Although there are many similarities between LED floodlights and led wall washing lights, this is not the case. This means that the two are exactly the same. In fact, as long as we observe carefully, there are still many differences between the two. Then I'll tell you about the difference between LED floodlights and led wall wash lights.

                ¡¡¡¡1. Lighting range


                ¡¡¡¡Because the LED wall washing lamp is usually rectangular, and the LED floodlight is usually round or square, when there is light, the light emitted by the LED wall washing lamp is a light band. If there are many led wall washing lamps placed together, the whole wall will look the same after washing, but the range of such lamps is usually not far; LED floodlights are not the same. The area is larger because the rays are far apart.

                ¡¡¡¡2, application

                ¡¡¡¡Led floodlight has a wide range of uses, usually used in square, lawn, billboard, dock and other sports places, while LED wall washing light is mainly used for architectural decoration lighting, also can be used to describe the outline of large buildings. Its technical parameters are similar to floodlights.

                ¡¡¡¡Zhongshan wall washing lamp http://www.nechinc.com/

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